[2024년 8월] 해외 연자 초청 세미나 성료
페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 160회 작성일 2024-08-19 13:33
연자 : 김대호 (David D. Kim) 교수님 (Assistant Professor, Medicine and Public Health Sciences, University of Chicago)
- Assistant Professor, Program Director of the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry, Center for the Evaluation of Value and Risk in Health (CEVR), Tufts Medical Center
- Ph.D. in Health Economics, University of Washington at Seattle
- M.S. in Biostatistics, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
주제: How Does Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inform US Health Care Decisions?
일정: 2024.08.13(화) 15:00
장소: 경희대학교 약학대학 B109호 (지하1층)
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