Economic Analysis of OOO for the Treatment of OOO in Korea
SPONSOR Global Pharmaceutical Company based in Korea
PERIOD 2022.02.11-2025.12.31
PERIOD 2021.12.31-2025.12.31
Cost-Effectiveness Model of OOO for the Treatment of OOO in Korea
PERIOD 2022.11.10-2025.12.31
SPONSOR Korean Pharmaceutical Company
PERIOD 2021.08.10-2025.12.31
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of OOO for the Treatment of OOO
PERIOD 2022.11.10-2025.12-31
Cost-Effectiveness study of Chuna diagnosis method for lumbo-pelvic disease and chuna treatment
SPONSOR Korea Health Industry Development Institute (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
PERIOD 2021.05.01-2025.12.31
Graduate program in regulatory science focusing on the effectiveness of drugs and biologics
SPONSOR Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Economic Evaluation of Thread Embedding Therapy for Frozen Shoulder(Adhesive Capsulitis);Randomized, Patient-Assessor Blind
PERIOD 2020.08.19-2026.12.31
Cost-Effectiveness Study of a Deeply-Inserted Acupotomy Applied to Hyeopcheok Points for Lumbosacral Neuropathy: A Prospective Comparative Effectiveness Trial
PERIOD 2021.05.01-2024.12.31
Budget Impact Analysis of Atorvastatin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
PERIOD 2019.11.19-2024.12.31